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Conversation on the First Date with a Russian Woman

A problem most guys have when on a date with a Russian woman is what to talk about. However, this shouldn’t be an issue, especially if you intend to have a Russian bride. You can’t keep looking for conversations to have with your Russian female for the rest of your life, awkward right! Forget about the chemistry you might be having with the Russian lady, what you say and what you ask can inevitably be the deciding factor whether or not the relations will make it to the second date.

It’s best to have an easy, organic conversation on a first date with a Russian woman. But naturally, we’re all nervous and often quiet and shy. So, in order to avoid you turning into an interrogator or chatter boxer, we came up with these ten conversation ideas you can try out.

1. Start by trying to make a connection

In order to maintain a natural organic conversation with your date, you need to find common ground. Now, it is possible you both already overlap in areas like religion or education, so you must establish rapport on other topics too, according to a relationship expert and sociologist Dr. Jess Carbino. Try to find out things you date likes and dislikes, their experience, their worries, amongst other things so you can know what kind of conversation you can have, and those you should stay clear of.

2. Ask questions

Generally, conversations should flow back and forth. It should be asking questions and not talking only about yourself. When you speak to a Russian woman more about yourself, it makes you look like you’re not interested in her, you’re self-absorbed or both. When you ask your date questions, it shows that you’re trying to engage in the conversation. Although asking your date questions is one way to engage them in a conversation, you should be careful not to be too interrogative. You can ask questions about music, lifestyle, entertainment, hobbies and so on.

3. Talk about favorite things you both like

Everybody loves talking about their favorite things like a sports team, hobby, or food. Asking your date about their favorite things helps to keep the conversation fun and light, lifting the tension. And if you’re lucky, you may both have a common favorite thing which will further help increase the bond.

4. Talk about families and friends

Generally, a Russian lady values family, and showing interest in her family makes her feel comfortable that you value what she values. You could begin with a simple phrase like, “Tell me about your family.” Try to know how close she is with her family, and if they live nearby. You could have a conversation with her about her family tradition if there’s any. Or it could be a conversation about how her parents meet. The discussion about family and friends and not limited to the woman alone, you can also tell her stories about your family and friend as well.

5. Ask about jobs, but don’t ask about salaries

Conversations about jobs are not always welcomed, but if you know just the right questions to ask, you’d be good. A conversation about jobs always makes a good conversation, because most people have that one thing bugging them, or some success in their job they’d love to share. Generally, when talking about jobs, the first rule of thought is not to be too pushy. Observe body language very well, any conversation that doesn’t last too long, or that your date seems skeptical to answer, avoid bringing it up again, and if you can try to use another question to prevent them from answering the awkward question, you asked.

6. Talk about past relationships, but avoid too much ex-talk

A conversation about past relationships helps you know what to expect. If you can prevent this type of conversation because it sounds a bit awkward talking about at first. Only engage in this kind of conversation when specifically asked. The advantage of talking about past relationships is that it helps increase intimacy with your date. It makes your date have a feeling they can confide in you with anything.

7. Ask them about their talents

Talents? Yes, they make a great conversation, especially when you show so much interest in seeing your date display it. Start the conversation by throwing in a phrase like, “What are you good at?” After asking the question, listen carefully to her answer so you can know how to contribute to the conversation. Through a conversation about talents, you can even determine how much responsibility your date takes for life, amongst other clues.

8. You can have a conversation about their idea of a “good life.”

We all have our concept of what an ideal life should look like. For you, it could be having a nice car, having a healthy family, or owning a home. You could throw in a question like “If we’re sitting here two years from now, what would have happened in your life to say things are really good.

9. Address deal breakers

You can also have a conversation about deal-breakers, and we’re not talking about surface-level deal breakers. We’re talking about things that are not negotiable, like wanting to have children or wanting to live in a particular region. You can coax into this conversation throughout the date, so it doesn’t seem like you’re hitting them with big life questions right away. But it's best you engage in this conversation sooner than later.

10. Talk about what you’re both passionate about

Lastly, a conversation about passions also makes a great conversation. Asking a question like “what are you most passionate about” helps you get a sense of what your date feels strongly about. It also tells you whether or not she’s heartfelt and spirited. Knowing what your date is passionate about is a perfect way to gauge whether her level of passion is compatible with yours.

In conclusion, if anything can ruin a date and make the first impression you make on a woman from Russian bad, it is a crappy conversation. You need light-hearted queries, ice breakers, laughter, thoughts, and questions that provoke banter when trying to build a natural organic conversation.


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